EUWIN and Beyond 4.0 Virtual Conference: Workplace Innovation in the Digital Age
Here you can watch the recordings of the EUWIN and Beyond 4.0 Virtual Conference: Workplace Innovation in the Digital Age
Here you can watch the recordings of the EUWIN and Beyond 4.0 Virtual Conference: Workplace Innovation in the Digital Age
We are in a perfect storm. Even before the current pandemic struck, our care delivery systems were increasingly struggling with major new challenges.
Facing the spread of management-led efforts to engage ‘employee voice’ directly, trade unions may be stuck with a theoretical and practical dilemma.
How mindful organising and workplace innovation stimulate the adoption of innovation by employees in logistics.
Workplace innovation claims simultaneous improvement of organisational performance and job quality. This claim is grounded in theories as well as empirical research of more than 40 years.
One of the new features in the business model of platform organisations is that they often operate in the grey zone of regulation.
Railway transport plays an essential role in society and its economy. We could say that an efficient and accessible transport system is the key to our quality of life.
This report is based on the fourth edition of the European Company Survey (ECS), carried out jointly by Eurofound and Cedefop in 2019.
Business Finland recently published an evaluation of four of its programmes focused on “promoting hu¬man-centric businesses and intangible value creation”.
This recent study, by Agneta Halvarsson Lundkvist, Linköping University, adds fresh insights to Workplace Development Programmes in Sweden.