Workplace Innovation News and Blogs2021-12-20T12:13:34+00:00

Call for Papers

By |February 22nd, 2024|Categories: 2EUWIN|Tags: |

EUWIN and the European Journal of Workplace Innovation (EJWI) invite extended abstracts for the EUWIN Scientific Conference, titled The Future of Workplace Innovation.

Workplace Health and Wellbeing

By |February 20th, 2024|Categories: 2EUWIN|Tags: |

A new consortium, comprising sixteen academic, industrial and stakeholder partners from ten European countries aim to improve workplace health and wellbeing through novel adaptive architectural solutions.

Chris Cox Testimonial

By |July 21st, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: |

I have absolutely loved this course. It's provided very timely challenges and training that always seem relevant to the challenges I'm seeing and trying to tackle at the time.

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