How good leaders turn crisis into advantage Webinar Report
During this webinar, Edwin explored the leadership actions and behaviours required to position companies for a sustainable future.
During this webinar, Edwin explored the leadership actions and behaviours required to position companies for a sustainable future.
A unique virtual event where we met and discussed the company’s journey towards a culture of engagement and innovation with Ed and with several members of his workforce.
This virtual special issue brings together a number of key articles published in Human Relations that focus on the quality of working life.
As demonstrated in the third and fourth European Company Surveys, workplace innovation cases in Central and Eastern Europe were less substantial compared to Continental and Western Europe countries.
In addition to adequate remuneration, people also look for their contribution to the company, opportunities to demonstrate their capabilities, grow professionally and see their efforts recognised.
Employee owned businesses generate higher levels of productivity by empowering staff to take decisions and feel valued to do so.
EUWIN’s 13 partners' opinion paper argues that workplace innovation offers a comprehensive approach to creating the fair working conditions mentioned in the Pillar of Social Rights, launched in 2017 by the European Commission (EC).
Human-machine collaboration is sometimes considered as the face of digital Taylorism, with workers becoming brainless zombies what, how and when to perform by their technological masters.
Hanne Shapiro, a renowned speaker and international consultant who was formerly a senior expert at the Danish Technological Institute exploreed successful digital innovation on this free webinar.
Through Workplace Innovation Europe’s Fresh Thinking Labs platform, Professor John Bessant delivered an unconventional masterclass on the ‘Craft of Innovation’.