About Natalie

Natalie Wilkie is an organisational development specialist with Workplace Innovation Europe CLG. She focuses on building the emotional intelligence of leaders and teams in ways that make an impact at a fundamental level to the performance and engagement of people throughout the business, and is also a qualified and accredited psychotherapist. Natalie also brings particular experience of transformation, change, organisational cultures and innovation. Natalie recently worked at the Met Office, leading the Innovation Culture Team and heading up organisational development for the Transformation and Efficiency project.

Imposter syndrome

2022-02-10T15:09:30+00:00Blog, News|

Everywhere you look, there are workshops and webinars on imposter syndrome. But what is it, and is talking about it actually useful?

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Emotional Intelligence and Leadership

2023-02-28T13:24:00+00:00Blog, News|

At workplace innovation we explore evidence based practices across an organisation that increase productivity and wellbeing. A key component of implementing these practices is engaging the leadership in their role and behaviour before, during and after these changes are happening.

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Dealing with differences of opinion


At the moment there are many areas where we are thinking differently. It is important we come together and try to understand the other person’s story fully.

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Collective burnout!


Do you feel like you just can’t get motivated to do anything apart from the basics? Feeling like you are waiting for something but not sure what it is? Feeling like just going to work or setting up for work is enough any extras feel just too much.

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Leading your people well


Remote working means that leaders have to work even harder on their own people skills to keep up relationships, boost engagement and ensure vital two-way communication.

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