EUWIN CONFERENCE: The Future of Workplace Innovation
1st October 2024 - 3rd October 2024
The Future of Workplace Innovation
October 1st to 3rd, 2024, Donostia-San Sebastian
Conference Themes
The conference programme will span three days, combining theoretical and practical knowledge and experience. Thematic focus areas include:
Conference Organisation
Keynote Speakers: The programme will feature renowned experts, practitioners, and policymakers, providing valuable insights and perspectives on the future of workplace innovation.
Scientific and Practical Insights: Presenting a diverse range of research findings, practical case studies, and success stories, fostering the hybridisation of theoretical and practical knowledge.
Parallel Session: Offering participants the opportunity to participate and learn, solidifying the link between theory and practice in three specific areas: green transitions, action research and public policy.
Conference proceedings will be published in a special issue of the European Journal of Workplace Innovation (EJWI), edited by the University of Agder, Norway. See https://journal.uia.no/index.php/EJWI for details.
We are pleased to announce that the conference is entirely free of charge for all attendees. Participants are responsible for their own travel, accommodation and subsistence costs.
Organising Committee
On behalf of the European Workplace Innovation Network:
Egoitz Pomares – University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (Spain): epomares@sinnergiak.org
Prof. Hans Christian Garmann Johnsen – University of Agder (Norway): hans.c.g.johnsen@uia.no
Prof. Peter Totterdill – Workplace Innovation Europe (Ireland/UK): peter.totterdill@workplaceinnovation.eu
Prof. Halvor Holtskog, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway): halvor.holtskog@ntnu.no
Photo by ultrash ricco on Unsplash