Selections from our list of publications

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Totterdill, P., Dhondt, S., & Milsome, S. Partners at Work? A Report to Europe’s Policy Makers and Social Partners, 2002, Nottingham: The Work Institute. Available here.

Fricke W., Totterdill, P. Action Research in Workplace Innovation and Regional Development, (edited volume), 2004, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.

Totterdill, P., Hague, J., “Workplace innovation as regional development” in W. Fricke and P. Totterdill Action Research in Workplace Innovation and Regional Development, 2004, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.

Totterdill, P., Lantz, A. “Linking workplace innovation and regional development: towards new roles for the university sector” in W. Fricke and P. Totterdill Action Research in Workplace Innovation and Regional Development, 2004, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.

Totterdill, P., Exton, R. “Partnership, Governance and Innovation at Nottingham City Hospital” in F. Garibaldo and V. Telljohann (eds) Globalisation, Company Strategies and Quality of Working Life in Europe, 2004, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Totterdill, P., Hague, J., den Hertog, F., and Huzzard, T. “Instruments and Methodologies” in F. Garibaldo and V. Telljohan (eds) New Forms of Work Organisation and Industrial Relations in Southern Europe, 2007, Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

Totterdill, P., Exton, R. “Workplace innovation: bridging knowledge and practice” AI & Society, 2009, Vol 23, No 3. Available at

Totterdill, P.  “New Forms of Work Organisation and the High Road to Innovation: European Experiences”. In: Jeschke, S., Isenhardt, I., Hees, F., Trantow, S. (eds) Enabling Innovation: Innovative Capability – German and International Views, 2011. Berlin: Springer.

Totterdill, P., Cressey, P., Exton, R. “Social innovation at work: workplace innovation as a social process”. In: Franz, H-W, Hochgerner, J., Howaldt, J. (eds) Challenge Social Innovation, 2012. Berlin: Springer.

Totterdill, P., Exton, R., Exton, O., Gold, M. “Closing the gap between evidence-based and common practice – Workplace innovation and public policy in Europe”. Lifelong Learning in Europe, 2012, Issue 4. Available at

Cressey, P., Totterdill, P., Exton, R. “Workplace Social Dialogue as a Form of ‘Productive Reflection”, International Journal of Action Research, 2013, Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp 209 – 245.

Totterdill, P. “Closing the Gap: ‘The Fifth Element’ and Workplace Innovation”. European Journal of Workplace Innovation, 1,1, January 2015. Available at

Oeij, P., Žiauberytė-Jakštienė, R., Totterdill, P., Dhondt, S., Corral, A., Preenen, P. “Workplace Innovation In European Companies”, 2015, Dublin: Eurofound. Available at

Oeij P. R.A., Dhondt S., Žiauberytė-Jakštienė R., Corral A., Totterdill P. (2016) Implementing workplace innovation across Europe: Why, How and What? Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, no. 5, pp. 195-218. Available at

Pot, F., Totterdill, P., Dhondt, S. (2016) Innowacje w miejscu pracy– perspektywa europejska, in Strumińska-Kutra, M.; Rok, B. (eds) Innowacje w miejscu pracy. Pomiędzy efektywnością a jakością życia społecznego, pp 117-136, Warszawa: Poltext.

Oeij P. R.A., Dhondt S., Žiauberytė-Jakštienė R., Corral A., Totterdill P. (2016) Wdrażanie innowacji w miejscach pracy w Europie: co, jak i dlaczego?, in Strumińska-Kutra, M.; Rok, B. (eds) Innowacje w miejscu pracy. Pomiędzy efektywnością a jakością życia społecznego, pp 207-234, Warszawa: Poltext.

Totterdill, P., Pot, F., Dhondt, S. (2016) Definiowanie innowacji w miejscu pracy, in Strumińska-Kutra, M.; Rok, B. (eds) Innowacje w miejscu pracy. Pomiędzy efektywnością a jakością życia społecznego, pp 25-50, Warszawa: Poltext.

Totterdill, P., Exton, O., Exton, E., Gold, M. (2016) High-performance Work Practices in Europe: Challenges of Diffusion, European Journal of Workplace Innovation, 2, 1. Available at

Totterdill, P., Exton, R. (2017) “Leadership in Workplace Innovation”. In: Oeij, P., Rus, D., Pot, F. Workplace Innovation: Theory, Research and Practice. Heidelberg: Springer.

Totterdill, P., Pot, F., Dhondt, S. (2017) “European policy on workplace innovation”. In: Oeij, P., Rus, D., Pot, F. Workplace Innovation: Theory, Research and Practice. Heidelberg: Springer.

Alasoini, T., Ramstad, R., Totterdill, P. (2017) “National and regional policies to promote and sustain workplace innovation”. In: Oeij, P., Rus, D., Pot, F. Workplace Innovation: Theory, Research and Practice. Heidelberg: Springer.

Oeij P. R.A., Dhondt S., Žiauberytė-Jakštienė R., Corral A., Totterdill P. (2017) “Implementing Workplace Innovation across Europe: Why, how and what?” In: Oeij, P., Rus, D., Pot, F. Workplace Innovation: Theory, Research and Practice. Heidelberg: Springer.

Totterdill, P., Exton, R., (2017) “Creating the bottom-up organization from the top: leaders as enablers of workplace innovation”. EWOP In Practice, Vol. 1. Available online at

Totterdill, P., (2017) “Workplace Innovation as Regional Economic Development: Towards a Movement?” International Journal of Action Research, 13,2 (129-153). Available at

Rus, D., Oeij, P. Pot, F. Totterdill, P. (2019) Workplace Innovation: a review and potential future avenues. Int. J. Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, Vol. 16, No. 3. See

Exton, R., Totterdill, P. (2019) Unleashing workplace innovation in Scotland. Int. J. Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, Vol. 16, No. 3. See

Totterdill, P. (2020) Are we really serious about securing enhanced productivity, through our people? Work Foundation Centenary Provocation Paper. Available online at

Totterdill, P. (2021) Workplace Innovation and Industry 4.0: creating synergies between human and digital potential. In Schaffers, H., Vartiainen, M., Bus, J., (Eds), Digital Innovation and the Future of Work. Aalborg: River Publishers.

Totterdill, P. & Wilkie, N. (2021) Workplace Innovation, Co-Created Leadership and Emotional Intelligence. In Dworschak, B., Senderek, R., Kopp, R. (Eds), Workplace Innovation and Leadership. Koeln: EHP.

Totterdill, P., Exton, R. (2021) Workplace Innovation in Practice: experiences from the UK. In: McMurray, A., Muenjohn, N. and Weerakoon, C. (Eds), The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Innovation across Developed and Developing Countries. Cham: Palgrave McMillan.

Pot, F., Totterdill, P. Dhondt, S. (2021) Developing Workplace Innovation Policies in the European Union. In: McMurray, A., Muenjohn, N. and Weerakoon, C. (Eds), The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Innovation across Developed and Developing Countries. Cham: Palgrave McMillan.

Alasoini, T., Pot, F., Totterdill, P., Zettel, C., (2023) Towards research-based European policy and practice. In: Oeij, P.R.A., Dhondt, S., & McMurray, A. (Eds), Research Agenda for Workplace Innovation: The Challenge of Disruptive Transitions. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Totterdill, P. Exton, R. (2022) Workplace Innovation: Are we Serious? In: Abrahamsson, K. and Ennals, R. Sustainable Work in Europe: Concepts, Conditions, Challenges. Berlin: Peter Lang.

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