Workplace Innovation Webinar: Mental Wellbeing at Work
23rd March 2021 @ 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm GMT
Workplace Innovation Webinar
Mental Health and Wellbeing at Work: How workplace innovation helps to build mental health, wellbeing and high performance
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Mental health problems are a huge issue affecting people and businesses. Statistics tell us that stress and poor mental health are the second biggest cause of sickness absence in UK workplaces, and 12.8 million days were lost due to work-related stress, depression, or anxiety in 2019. A survey by Mind found that ten percent of employees rated their mental health as poor or very poor; of these, 26% said that this was due to problems at work and a further 50% cited work as a contributory factor.
These figures only paint part of the picture, and recent research into the effects of the COVID- 19 pandemic suggests that lockdown, social distancing and working from home are having a significant impact on mental health and wellbeing due to increased anxiety or stress. According to Mind, some 60% of adults and over two thirds of young people said that their mental health got worse during lockdown.
While there are many factors to consider, it is clear that the workplace has huge potential either to enhance or to undermine mental health and wellbeing.
Employers increasingly recognise the need to identify and support people with mental health problems, but the wider task is to identify and address those workplace practices which can strengthen or undermine individual well-being and mental health. So, what can employers do to become part of the solution rather than part of the problem?
Be inspired!

Stephen Bevan
Head of HR Research & Development
ies (institute for employment studies)
Stephen Bevan will discuss the evidence from recent research into mental health and wellbeing at work, and assess the impact of the COVID- 19 pandemic.
Stephen is Head of HR Research & Development at the Institute for Employment Studies (IES). He has 35 years of experience in the field of HR research, with specialist expertise in workforce wellbeing, performance and productivity. He has led a large number of projects for public and private sector organisations both in the UK and internationally and has advised governments on policy issues in several EU member states. Stephen is currently leading projects on ‘Work After Lockdown’ for the ESRC, a major DWP-funded randomised control trial to assess the impact of job support for people with depression, and a programme of work looking at obesity stigma in the labour market.
Stephen has authored several publications on mental health at work, including a guide for employers focusing on COVID19, a review of workplace counselling practices and a critical assessment of Mental Health First Aid. He is currently co-authoring a book with Professor Sir Cary Cooper entitled ‘Work, Health and Productivity’ which will be published later in 2021.

Nick Price
Founding CEO
Bright Purple, UK
Nick Price is the founding CEO of Bright Purple, the technology recruitment firm now entering its 26th year of business. He is also a founding director of technology business Primed, based in Manchester and is a serving board director of Lifelink, the Glasgow mental health charity. A qualified mental health first aider, Nick has been on the wrong side of a mental health challenge, suffering a bout of symptomatic depression four years ago, but did the right thing, sought help and fixed the problem. After that, he decided that he wanted to know more about the world of mental health and as an employer of more than 20 staff, understands his duty of care for his own people, now more than ever during the pandemic!

Frank Pot
Emeritus Professor of Social Innovation of Work and Employment
Radboud University Nijmegen
Frank Pot is emeritus professor of Social Innovation of Work and Employment, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. At the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) he was director of TNO Work and Employment. He was also part-time professor of Work and Technology at Leiden University. Amongst other things, he contributed to an understanding of the relationship between workplace characteristics – such as work organisation, job content and control structures – and workplace mental health. Frank will present evidence from recent research demonstrating the positive impact of workplace innovation on employee mental health and wellbeing.

Peter van der Reijden
Founder and CEO
Peter van der Reijden is the founder and CEO of Experius, an e-commerce system integrator. Experius is renowned for its focus on being a Great Place to Work. Peter believes that trust is the foundation of a good workplace. Experius is organised in self-steering teams with the responsibility and authority (and Peter argues that the balance between these two is essential) to do what they think best, creating customer value and strengthening the mental health and wellbeing of its people.
Your Facilitators

Dr Peter Totterdill
Founding Director
Workplace Innovation Europe
Dr Peter Totterdill is a Founding Director of Workplace Innovation Europe CLG, a not-for-profit organisation created to help public and private sector organisations achieve enhanced performance and better working lives. A leading European expert in workplace innovation, Peter’s career has focused on building bridges between research and practice. He has led many successful innovation and change initiatives in both private and public sector organisations. Peter was previously a Research Professor at Nottingham Trent University, and has held Visiting Professorships at Kingston University London and Mykolas Romeris University Vilnius.

Rosemary Exton
Founding Director
Workplace Innovation Europe
Rosemary Exton is a Founding Director of Workplace Innovation Europe CLG. Her experience of workplace innovation dates back to 2002, and builds on many years’ experience as a clinician, manager and trade unionist in the UK’s National Health Service where she instigated, drove and delivered many complex change and improvement initiatives. Rosemary has played key roles in several international research and development projects, whilst simultaneously delivering leadership development programmes and facilitating organisational change in diverse companies and public sector organisations across Europe.

Natalie Wilkie
Organisational Development Specialist
Workplace Innovation Europe
Natalie Wilkie is an organisational development specialist with Workplace Innovation Europe CLG. She focuses on building the emotional intelligence of leaders and teams in ways that make an impact at a fundamental level to the performance and engagement of people throughout the business, and is also a qualified and accredited psychotherapist. Natalie also brings particular experience of transformation, change, organisational cultures and innovation. Natalie recently worked at the Met Office, leading the Innovation Culture Team and heading up organisational development for the Transformation and Efficiency project.
Who should participate?
Mental health concerns everyone and the webinar will benefit senior and emerging leaders, middle managers, members of change teams, employee representatives, and employees from all types of organisation and in all sectors.
Participants will gain valuable understanding of the evidence-based practices which support positive mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, together with insights into the experiences of two leading companies. Drawing both on research findings and on practical experiences from Edinburgh-based Bright Purple and Experius in The Netherlands, the webinar will explore a continuum of good practice from recognising the symptoms of individual ill-health to the role of workplace innovation in creating psychological wellbeing across the workforce. Participants will also be able to exchange ideas and experience with the speakers and each other.
Workplace innovation is about creating a culture where staff are fully engaged and supported to reach their full potential, creating a profitable, efficient and responsive business.
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