Polpharma Worldwide – People helping People

2019-10-04T17:23:34+01:00Case Studies, Our Videos|

Established for over 80 years, Polpharma is the largest manufacturer of pharmaceuticals in Poland servicing the Central and Eastern European, Caucasus and Central Asian markets. It is among the top 20 generic drug manufacturers in the world, employing over 7,500 people across 7 manufacturing plants in Poland, Russia and Kazakhstan as well as 7 research and development centres. Polpharma Group’s portfolio includes about 600 products, and another 200 are under development. Polpharma recognises that enabling improvement and innovation requires freedom to act combined with the ability to design the workplace and work environment in ways that employees want.

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Skanska UK Case Study

2019-09-16T14:44:25+01:00Case Studies, Resource CLEV|

Skanska UK has been on a sustained journey of transformation since CEO Mike Putnam’s appointment in 2009, distancing itself from traditional industry practices by embracing high ethical principles relating to safety, the environment, transparency and quality.

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Arginta a culture of quality

2019-10-04T17:24:21+01:00Case Studies, Our Videos|

Arginta, based in Vilnius, Lithuania is a manufacturer of non-standard equipment, component parts and part-finished products. Gintaras Kvietkauskas, Director of the Arginta Group believes strongly that quality and improvement should be owned by everyone in the company rather than being policed by management. The company has created a series of empowering practices to support an enabling culture. Quality issues are resolved directly on the production floor, frontline employees are actively empowered to make suggestions for improvement and innovation, and the focus is on shared learning rather than blame when things go wrong.

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