The event ‘The Journey towards Self-Directed Teamworking’ was hosted by Cornerstone and CEO Edel Harris, Strategy Implementation Leader Mairi Martin and several members of their frontline teams presented one of the best examples of the journey towards self-managed teamworking that we’ve heard in 25 years! Participants from five other companies on similar journeys took part in this latest Fresh Thinking Labs event, gaining unique insights into organisational transformation.
Cornerstone has developed an ambitious new Strategic Plan for 2017-2020 called ‘Local Cornerstone’, designed to position Cornerstone for continued success and a sustainable future. Creating this new model of care focusses on the introduction of self-organised teams, together with a flattened hierarchy. The journey has involved building trust and empowerment, as well as the devolution of responsibility and local decision making. Policies and procedures have been simplified and communications improved, together with significant investment in new technology.