Call for Papers

Advancing Industry 5.0 Conference, June 16 – June 17, Leuven

the European Workplace Innovation Network logo

Industry 5.0 represents a new paradigm in which human-centric workplaces, advanced technologies and sustainability converge to create a more resilient and inclusive industrial landscape in Europe. A skilled and empowered workforce lies at the heart of this vision, together with workplaces where employees at every level use and develop their full range of knowledge, skills and creativity in pursuit of high performance, long term competitiveness, and a greener economy. Participative forms of work organisation and workplace innovation play a central role, supported by enabling forms of representative participation in the workplace and partnership-based industrial relations at national and international levels.

In association with EUWIN, the BRIDGES 5.0, BROADVOICE and SEISMEC projects are delighted to announce a conference on the future of work, employee voice and Industry 5.0, to be held at the Irish College, Leuven, Belgium, on the 16th & 17th June 2025. This is an in-person event only.

Key Dates


March 21, 2025 – Deadline for abstract submission


April 30 – Acceptance decision


May 5 – Deadline for presenting attendees


May 23 – Deadline for conference registration for all attendees


June 16 & 17 – Conference in Leuven


Steven Dhondt (TNO + KU Leuven)

Ilaria Armaroli (ADAPT)

Ton Driessen (President EUWIN)

Allison Dunne (HIVA – KU Leuven)

Peter Totterdill (Workplace Innovation Europe)

Paul Preenen (European Journal for Workplace Innovation)

Francesco Seghezzi (ADAPT & EJICLS)

Lucy Taksa (Journal of Industrial Relations)

We invite researchers, practitioners and thought leaders to contribute insights and findings