What a Year!
Want to be part of the workplace Innovation journey in 2020?

We’ve been on an incredible journey in 2019, pushing the boundaries of high performance and workforce engagement with client organisations ranging from specialised engineering services to the NHS. We’ve learned from and shared experiences with some of Europe’s leading companies. And we’ve been part of a European network of thought leaders focused on high performance, good work and Industry 4.0.
Our proposition is simple.
Creating a high performing, innovative organisation and a great place to work isn’t just possible – it’s essential in today’s volatile business climate. And agility and a vibrant culture of innovation aren’t only found in new start-ups; they can be unleashed even in the most traditional organisations where there is a will.
The evidence – more than 70 years of it – is clear. Comparing like with like, companies that systematically empower their employees achieve 20-60% performance gains in productivity, innovation and employee health.
The key concept here is workplace innovation – a practical, evidence-based approach that we co-created with our European partners in 2001. It’s now been adopted by companies across Europe as an effective route to high performance and culture change, and is now embedded in public policy frameworks in the EU and in countries from South Korea to Scotland.
Have you got wind of it yet? Learn more
And we help you achieve it. From our Workplace Innovation Diagnostic® employee survey to our accredited programmes, in-house facilitation and peer-to-peer networks, we offer the knowledge, skills and practical support you need to achieve real and sustainable improvement and innovation in your organisation.
And that’s just the start. Get in touch or follow us in 2020 to be part of the journey.