Helping each other to create better workplaces

Neil Devons
Workplace Innovation Europe CLG
The world of business and commerce is full of talented people bursting to introduce improved working environments to get the best out of their colleagues and enhance their positive work experiences, but many just don’t know how to go about it. They are thwarted by the status quo, traditional structures and inert processes – but there is a way to help them.
Shared learning between companies is a hugely useful resource in finding ways to change entrenched attitudes and work practices. It highlights tried and tested approaches and avoids reinventing the wheel, while at the same time it stimulates new thinking and innovation.

Fresh Thinking Labs is just the platform to help release this pent-up creativity and to help transform frustrated managers into dynamic change agents and innovative leaders.
This well-established platform for dialogue and shared learning is an amazing community committed to the pooling of ideas, experiences and practical approaches to building high performing, innovative and healthy workplaces.
It is truly an international (and inspirational) movement utilising a profound resource of real case studies and personal experiences bringing together people and business from across Europe as well as some of Europe’s leading experts on workplace innovation. (See our on-line Masterclass programme below)
Already embraced by businesses such as Booth Welsh, E.ON, GE, Macmillan, MBDA and TÜV SÜD, Fresh Thinking Labs is a unique initiative facilitated by Workplace Innovation Europe, a not-for-profit organisation with experience of company-to-company networking since the early 1990s.
Joining the programme will enable you to meet counterparts in other organisations who will showcase their own learning and achievements, discuss the difficulties faced and overcome while forming networks of ‘critical friends’ to address workplace challenges.
Our programme of on-line events combines expert-led and peer-to-peer exchanges of ideas and experience, providing inspiration and practical support at minimal cost for businesses and teams interested in future-proofing their organisations.
Although In Person events are temporarily suspended due to COVID restrictions, Fresh Thinking Labs has boosted its Online programme of virtual In-Company events, webinars, workshops and interactive forums, enabling access to a Europe-wide pool of knowledge and experience.
The search is on for even more open-minded people from all types of business to join our knowledge-sharing platform, aimed at helping build better and more effective workplaces. Subscribe now for a low cost, highly inspirational experience!
What did participants think of our events? See their feedback below.
Participant feedback from previous Open Events, Masterclasses and In Person Labs

Today has been absolutely brilliant. Fresh Thinking Labs is about interaction and the whole concept of bringing businesses together to share their experiences in this way is ground-breaking and invaluable.
I think the Fresh Thinking Labs concept is incredibly important because if you only rely on your own company and the people in your own organisation, then you’re very limited as to how you are going to develop innovation and engagement. Coming together with other companies helps you recognise that we have similar problems and challenges. In some case other companies have actually tackled a problem you’ve got, and come up with a solution that may have taken you months or even years to resolve. Getting together and sharing ideas has real value, real benefits.

Excellent masterclass, informative, interactive and thought provoking. Shines a bright light on what effective and impactful leadership should look like.

Great insight from speakers with international experience.
It reinforced the importance of innovation in the workplace in terms of empowering your people an creating a culture in which they feel confident, supported and autonomous.

Today has been absolutely brilliant. Fresh Thinking Labs is about interaction and the whole concept of bringing businesses together to share their experiences in this way is ground-breaking and invaluable.

Fresh Thinking Labs provides an amazing opportunity for individuals to get together, share what they’re doing and have the chance to think outside of work. Taking that step back, reflecting and being able to bounce ideas off others is invaluable. There’s lots of things I’ve already taken away after just one session. It’s easy to think that you’re the only one going through these challenges when actually a lot of us have similar things going on, similar ideas and we all want to progress. The opportunity to compare different perspectives and bounce ideas around is invaluable.

The power of events of this nature is that you are exposed to things you wouldn’t normally be exposed to. It reminds you that if you only act on what you already know, you’ll never change. The concept of Fresh Thinking Labs exposes you to new ways of applying different thinking to the organisation and that’s the real power of it. I have learned a lot today – much more than I anticipated when I first arrived.
An opportunity to reflect on where we are and how we might introduce change for the better, a thoroughly enjoyable event.

Eye-opening to see how others are all dealing with similar issues and it has helped identify a way forward.