Industry 5.0: Signposts for the new paradigm

09:30 – 10:10 – WELCOME & KEYNOTE
‘The Digital Transformation of Working Worlds – and its Distributive Forces’
Sabine Pfeiffer, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat, Erlangen-Nurnberg
10:10 – 11:10 – SESSION 1
‘Employee Participation and Occupational Health and Safety’
Presentations by Paradigms 4.0 researchers
Peter Hasle, University of Southern Denmark
11:10 – 11:30 – COFFEE BREAK
11:30 – 12:30 – SESSION 2
‘Skills and Servitisation’
Presentations by Paradigms 4.0 researchers
Steven Dhondt, TNO/KU Leuven
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European Workplace Innovation Network (EUWIN)
EUWIN was established by the European Commission in 2013 and is now entirely supported by contributions from an international network of partners co-ordinated by HIVA (University of Leuven). EUWIN also functions as a network partner for the H2020 Beyond4.0 project.
Contact: Workplace Innovation Europe CLG (